Training working at altitude
Working at altitude consists of different modules that can be combined to suit your needs.
After taking one of these modules, the participant will receive a certificate of participation or a certificate as an authorised person.
Possible modules
Working at altitude general - Half day - Theory only
This training includes everything related to the legislation, hierarchy of prevention and the safest way of working at altitude. In addition, the various systems and a cost-benefit analysis are also discussed.
This training is for managers, project managers and self-employed people.
Working with personal fall protection equipment - Half day - Theory only
This training covers everything related to legislation, control, fall factor, kilonewton, temporary lifelines and anchoring points.
Working with ladders - Half day - Theory only
This training includes the legal framework, LMRA, the different types, correct drafting, control and inspection.
Working with mobile scaffolding - Module 1 and 2 - Half day - Theory and practice
This training includes the legal framework for mobile scaffolding, LMRA, the safe construction, deconstruction and use of mobile scaffolding.
Working with scaffolding - Module 1,2 and 3 - Full day - Theory and practice
Cette formation traite le contenu des modules 1 et 2 et, en plus, l'inspection, l'état du matériel, le calcul et la libération d'un échafaudage roulant.
Working with scaffolding - Module 1 and 2 - Full day - Theory and practice
This training includes the content of modules 1 and 2 and also the inspection, the bill of materials, calculation and release of a mobile scaffolding.
In addition, the classes, load, kilonewton, the safety harness and the dangers and points of attention during construction are also discussed.
Working with scaffolding - Module 3 - Full day - Theory and practice
This training includes the preparation of the bill of materials, assembly plan, calculations of complex scaffolding and how a scaffolding must be inspected and reported.
Required: certificate module 1 and 2 and the necessary experience.
Tailor-made training
If you would like a customised training, please contact TVH Academy for more information.
A combination of these different modules is also possible, for example ladders and rolling scaffolding.