We would like to share with you how it all started ... half a century ago in Gullegem when two friends combined their knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit. Paul Thermote knew about American military forklifts with only a few hours on the counter. And Paul Vanhalst sold forklifts. They combined their skills and with a handshake at the coffee table the company Thermote and Vanhalst was a fact.
One successful takeover after another followed in the following years and the market share grew steadily. In 2004, TVH moved into its new headquarters in Waregem. In the meantime, it's hard to miss TVH Group when driving on the E17 between Waregem and Deerlijk.
And we continue with great passion for our profession! Like to congratulate TVH Group on its 50th anniversary.De ene succesvolle overname na de andere volgde in de daaropvolgende jaren elkaar op en het marktaandeel werd steeds groter. In 2004 trok TVH zijn nieuwe hoofdkantoor op in Waregem. Intussen kun je niet meer naast TVH Group kijken als je op de E17 tussen Waregem en Deerlijk rijdt.
En we blijven verder doen met veel passie voor ons vak! Like om TVH Group te feliciteren met de 50ste verjaardag.